Aesthetics, Philosophy and Theology
Two books, written by the Institute’s director, have been written in attempt to fulfil the Institute’s interest in the realm of aesthetics: that there should be creation of fine art (painting, music, literature and so on) which is both spiritually informed in the tradition from Sinai and at the same time of the highest artistic calibre. These are Aesthetics and the Divine – Engaging Artists, Fostering Religious Art [show image] and The Art of Chaim Bill Meyer [show image]. The first combines theoretical considerations of such an artistic practice with methodological and pedagogical considerations of fostering religious art. In addition to this it contains three studies – in painting, literature and music – which have met these criteria. The second book explores the stages of development of an artist of international standing towards a completed synthesis of “form and spirit”
Click on books for reviews and purchase information
The path to the conception of the synthesis of informed religious understanding with art of high calibre, that resulted in the above-named books came through various seminars held by the Institute since its inception with artists on what makes painting, literature and music authentically religious. It continues with further seminars and events. The research and exploration continue with recent events such as a talk on “Spirituality and Aesthetics” [Russian presentation – and flyer - and video] and “Art and Transcendence”
Click on flyers for video presentations: “Art and Transcendence” and
“Art and Truth”
In the dimensions of action in the sphere of aesthetics, the Institute has been interested to promote the actual creation of high calibre religious art and also put up quality religious art on the walls of public institutions. The signal project of the Institute in the former category was a collaborative project with the major Australian Jewish painter, Victor Majzner in producing a limited edition of a folio of 10 screen prints conceptually representing the content of the second book of the mystical classic, Tanya. Click the image to view the images and/or to purchase.
The Institute also hosted the world premiere of a musical adaptation of Psalm 118 by the noted Australian composer Felix Werder.